History of Daylight Saving Time: ‘Just Gimme the Light’ (Season 3 Premiere)

It’s that time of year that we all hate when the sunsets at 5pm- its actually quite depressing. Every year, twice a year, most Americans switch all the clocks forward, or backward, one hour for daylight saving time (DST) beginning and ending.  BUT why do we shift time twice a year? And who came up with this? Cause I want to speak to management. 

Listen to this quick  20-minute solo solo episode. were our host answers these questions:

  • Who the hell proposed DST ?

  • When did Daylights saving time start?

  • Why falling back might not be such a good idea? (Like duh I can think of a couple reasons off the top of my head)

  • What states and countries that don’t participate in DST? And what states are trying to be set free from it?

  • What would life be like if we just got rid of the whole damn thing?- Based on research of course.

Tune in now wherever you listen to podcast. 

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History of Minimalism: Packin' Light with Afrominimalist Christine Platt


History of Burnout: Running on E (Season 2 Finale)